Earthfiles make builds super simple

Fast, consistent builds with an instantly familiar syntax – like Dockerfile and Makefile had a baby.

Simple, Fast, Consistent Builds

Automatically parallel Steps are containerized for consistency & portability Reuse unchanged steps from previous runs
1,000,000 builds run on Earthly every month
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9 times faster builds with Earthly


Switching to Earthly took us from 45 minutes to 20 minutes, and using Satellites took us from like 20 minutes to 4 or 5 on average.

Ses Goe

Ses Goe

Director of Internal Tools @ NOCD


By using Earthly, we enabled developers to execute complex CI pipelines on their laptops without having to commit any code!

Jesús Valencia

Jesús Valencia

Principal Software Engineer @ Roche

85  %

Decrease in build time after Earthly


Earthly Cloud reduced our average build time from 20 minutes to 3 minutes and was quick and straightforward to set up and use.

Brian Bugh

Brian Bugh

CTO @ Table Needs


By providing rapid build times, intelligent caching, and repeatability, Earthly enables a better approach to the coordination of development and deployment.

Jesse Anger

Jesse Anger

Head of IT & Security Operations @ Deep Genomics

Why Earthfiles?
With Earthfiles, all builds are self-contained, consistent, portable, and language agnostic.
False checked
Bash and YAML spaghetti
False checked
Clunky and Brittle
False checked
Build guru required
With Earthfiles:
With Earthly
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Checked bullet
Checked bullet
Easy to Understand
Faster Builds with Earthly Satellites
Build at the speed of light with an instantly available cache
Build automation that works with any CI
  • Fast, simple remote build runners that integrate seamlessly with your existing CI
  • Use Satellites with Jenkins, GitHub Actions, CircleCI, Gitlab CI/CD, AWS CodeBuild, Google Cloud Build and more
Compatible with every language, framework, and build tool
Write once, run anywhere
  • Execute CI pipelines on your laptop, remotely, or in any CI
  • Easily reproduce CI failures locally
  • Containers make builds self-contained, isolated, consistent, and portable
  • Correct execution, regardless of the environment
  • New colleagues get started fast: no special configuration necessary
Rebuild only what has changed
  • Automatically caches results at each step of the build
  • Redundant work is eliminated in subsequent builds
  • Caching makes builds fast and efficient
  • No configuration required
Compatible with every language, framework, and build tool
Ridiculously Fast Builds!
CI w/o Satellites vs CI w/ Satellites
CI w/ Satellites - Up To
CI w/ Satellites - Minimum
CI w/o Satellites
Lines represent build time in seconds.
Based on build speeds reported by our users
  • 2-20x faster builds in CI
  • Rebuild only what has changed
  • Automatic parallel execution
  • Automatic caching with no configuration required
  • Like layer caching, but for the entire pipeline, not just for images
  • No upload/download of cache – instantly available

Read more about what makes Earthly fast

Super simple, not just for the build guru
  • Quickly grasp Earthfiles without prior knowledge
  • Syntax that is easy to write and understand by all engineers
  • It's like Dockerfile and Makefile had a baby
FROM golang:1.21-alpine3.19
RUN apk --update --no-cache add git
WORKDIR /go-example
BUILD +build
BUILD +lint
COPY main.go .
RUN go build -o build/go-example main.go
SAVE ARTIFACT build/go-example AS LOCAL build/go-example
RUN go install
COPY main.go .
RUN golint -set_exit_status ./...
Great for monorepos and polyrepos
  • Works with both monorepos and polyrepos
  • Builds can be split across multiple subdirectories or even repositories
  • Reuse, don't repeat: reference builds, recipes, artifacts, and images from other locations

Read more about why Earthly excels in monorepos


Get Started with Earthfiles now!

Simple, Fast, Consistent Builds