Using gRPC with Golang, Python, and Ruby
Table of Contents
I was surprised to learn that Google protocol buffers (protobufs), were first introduced nearly two decades ago. They were used internally at google as early as 2001 and were open sourced 2008.
Following this success, in 2016 Google released gRPC. gRPC offered a way to define remote procedure calls using protobufs for serialization. Due to protobuf’s binary serialization format, it offered a significant speed up compared to using JSON over HTTP. The use of proto files for a precise definition of a service’s API. This was a big innovation.
gRPC is a great solution for communicating between internal microservices. There’s plenty of articles and documentation that covers protobufs and gRPC, but when I am considering a new technology, I learn best by seeing a working example. In this blog post I’m going build an example using Go, Python and Ruby.
First Step: Implementing a gRPC Client using Go
Let’s write an in-memory key/value micro-service in Go, and some clients in both Python and Ruby.
Our server will allow users to set and get data from a key/value store.

Interacting with the server
First let’s design our API in a proto file:
syntax = package simplekeyvalue;
option go_package = "/kvapi";
// The key/value API contains two procedures for storing
// and retrieving data
service KeyValue {
rpc Set (SetRequest) returns (SetReply) {}
rpc Get (GetRequest) returns (GetReply) {}
// SetRequest contains a key and value to set
message SetRequest {
string key = 1;
string value = 2;
// SetReply contains nothing
message SetReply {
// GetRequest contains a key and value to set
message GetRequest {
string key = 1;
// GetReply contains the value
message GetReply {
string value = 1;
Next we need to compile this proto file into Go code. On a Mac one might be tempted to run brew install protobuf, or if you’re on Linux you might want to see if apt-get install protoc will magically work, but rather than do that, we will use earthly to containerize these tools. This will allow you to share this code with other developers, and ensure everyone can compile proto files across multiple platforms using the same version to eliminate compatibility issues.
Here’s what an Earthfile would look like for installing Google protobufs inside an Ubuntu image, and generating the protobuf code using the protoc-gen-go-grpc tool:
FROM ubuntu:20.10
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget unzip
# setup protoc
RUN wget -O
RUN unzip -d /usr/local/
proto-go:RUN apt-get install -y golang git
ENV PATH=$PATH:/root/go/bin
RUN go get \ api.proto /defs
RUN mkdir /defs/go-api
RUN protoc --proto_path=/defs --go_out=/defs/go-api \
--go-grpc_out=/defs/go-api /defs/api.proto SAVE ARTIFACT ./go-api/kvapi AS LOCAL kvapi
This will then produce two go files under the kvapi
directory: api.pb.go
and api\_grpc.pb.go
which contains the auto generated protobuf and grpc code respectively.
At this point, assuming that earth is already installed, give it a try for yourself with code from our example repository:
git clone
cd example-grpc-key-value-store/proto
earth +proto-go
The next step is to write the server code that will implement the set and get methods:
package main
import (
const (
port =
var errKeyNotFound = fmt.Errorf("key not found")
// server is used to implement kvapi.KeyValueServer
type server struct {
// Set stores a given value under a given key
func (s *server) Set(ctx context.Context, in *kvapi.SetRequest) (*kvapi.SetReply, error) {
key := in.GetKey()
value := in.GetValue()"serving set request for key %q and value %q", key, value)
log.Printf([key] = value
reply := &kvapi.SetReply{}return reply, nil
// Get returns a value associated with a key to the client
func (s *server) Get(ctx context.Context, in *kvapi.GetRequest) (*kvapi.GetReply, error) {
key := in.GetKey()"serving get request for key %q", key)
value, ok :=[key]if !ok {
return nil, errKeyNotFound
reply := &kvapi.GetReply{
Value: value,
}return reply, nil
func main() {
"tcp", port)
lis, err := net.Listen(if err != nil {
"failed to listen: %v", err)
}"Listening on %s", port)
serverInstance := server{make(map[string]string),
s := grpc.NewServer()
kvapi.RegisterKeyValueServer(s, &serverInstance)if err := s.Serve(lis); err != nil {
"failed to serve: %v", err)
} }
Next we will compile the go code and save it as a docker image with the following Earthfile:
FROM golang:1.13-alpine3.11
WORKDIR /kvserver
kvserver:COPY go.mod go.sum ./
RUN go mod download
COPY ../proto+proto-go/kvapi kvapi
COPY --dir cmd ./
RUN go build -o kvserver cmd/server/main.go
kvserver-docker:FROM alpine:latest
COPY +kvserver/kvserver /kvserver
ENTRYPOINT /kvserver
SAVE IMAGE as kvserver:latest
You can give it a try on your own by using our example code in our GitHub repository, just run:
git clone
cd example-grpc-key-value-store/go-server
earth +kvserver-docker
Then start up the server in Docker, by running:
docker run --rm --network=host kvserver:latest
Next step: Implementing a gRPC Client Using Python
Now that we’ve built and launched our Go-based key-value-store server, we’ll cover how to talk to it using a Python client. Remember that initial Earthfile that generated the Go code? We’ll extend it to pip install grpc tooling, and generate Python code:
proto-py:RUN apt-get install -y python3 python3-pip
RUN pip3 install grpcio grpcio-tools
COPY api.proto /defs
RUN mkdir /defs/py-api
RUN python3 -m grpc_tools.protoc -I /defs --python_out=/defs/py-api \
--grpc_python_out=/defs/py-api /defs/api.proto SAVE ARTIFACT ./py-api /py-pb AS LOCAL py-pb
Then we’ll create a client that reads command line arguments, and if the argument contains an equals sign, it will store the value in the server, and otherwise it will retrieve the value from the server:
import sys
import grpc
import api_pb2
import api_pb2_grpc
= ''
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print('program requires arguments in the form key, or key=value')
= grpc.insecure_channel(addr)
channel = api_pb2_grpc.KeyValueStub(channel)
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if '=' in arg:
# send a value to the server
= arg.split('=')
key, value try:
= api_pb2.SetRequest(key=key, value=value)
set_request = stub.Set(set_request)
set_response except grpc.RpcError as e:
print(f'failed to send key to server: {e.details}')
print(f'sent "{key}" to server')
# get a value from the server
= arg
key try:
= api_pb2.GetRequest(key=key)
get_request = stub.Get(get_request)
get_response except grpc.RpcError as e:
print(f'failed to get key from server: {e.details}')
= get_response.value
value print(f'server returned value "{value}" for key "{key}"')
We then store this python code, along with the generated gRPC protobuf code with the following Earthfile:
FROM python:3
RUN pip install grpcio protobuf pycodestyle
WORKDIR /kvclient
code:COPY .
COPY ../proto+proto-go/go-pb kvapi
lint:FROM +code
RUN pycodestyle
kvclient-docker:FROM +code
SAVE IMAGE as python-kvclient:latest
BUILD +lint BUILD +kvclient-docker
You can give it a try for yourself with the example code:
git clone
cd example-grpc-key-value-store/python-client
earth +kvclient-docker
Then you can run it and set the weather to sunny with:
docker run --rm --network=host python-kvclient:latest python3 \
/kvclient/ weather=sunny
And if all went well, you should see some output on both the client and server consoles:
# client output
sent "weather" to server
# server output
2020/11/12 23:15:18 Listening on :50051
2020/11/12 23:15:34 serving set request for key "weather" and value "sunny"
Final Step: Implementing a gRPC Client Using Ruby
We’ve come a long ways with our Go and Python gRPC examples, but what if you also wanted to include a Ruby gRPC client implementation too? Well let’s extend our proto Earthfile to generate Ruby protobufs too:
proto-rb:RUN apt-get install -y ruby
RUN gem install grpc grpc-tools
COPY api.proto /defs
RUN mkdir /defs/rb-api
RUN grpc_tools_ruby_protoc -I /defs --ruby_out=/defs/rb-api \
--grpc_out=/defs/rb-api /defs/api.proto SAVE ARTIFACT ./rb-api /rb-pb AS LOCAL rb-pb
We can then use this generated Ruby gRPC code with a simple ruby client example that performs a get request for keys listed as command line arguments:
$LOAD_PATH.unshift '.'
require 'api_pb'
require 'api_services_pb'
stub = '', :this_channel_is_insecure
) do |arg| arg)
request =
response = stub.get(request)
puts response.valueend
git clone
cd example-grpc-key-value-store/ruby-client
earth +kvclient-docker
Then you can try querying the server to see what the weather was set to:
docker run --rm --network=host ruby-kvclient:latest \
ruby /kvclient/client.rb weather

It’s Sunny Outside
So there we go. You can find the code for the server, the two clients, and a bonus integration test in GitHub.