Introduction to Context Managers and the with Keyword in Python

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Ashutosh Krishna %
Ashutosh Krishna

This article explains the with statement in Python. The with statement in Python streamlines exception handling. Earthly simplifies the build process in continuous integration. Check it out.

The with keyword in python is used for exception handling when working with certain resources like files or database connections. These resources may need to have additional actions performed if an exception is raised.

For example, if there is an error reading from a file, we’d like to be certain the file gets closed before the program exits and raises the error. The with statement is not limited to files or database connections, it can also be used with locks, sockets, sub-processes, telnet, and other types of connections.

In this article, we’ll take a deeper look at the with keyword. We’ll look at how it works, when you should use it, and how you can create your own classes and functions that support with.


  • Working knowledge of Python
  • Python 3.8+

How the with Statement Works

Let’s start by taking a look at one of the most common uses for the ‘with’ statement: working with files.

File Handling without the with Statement

Let’s start with some simple code to write to a file.

file = open("sample1.txt", "w")
file.write("Earthly is great!")

The code above:

  • Opens a file called sample1.txt in write mode
  • Writes some text to the file
  • Closes the file

As long as everything executes as expected, this code should work just fine, but a problem arises if at any point our program encounters and error and we don’t end up getting to the line where we close the file. If you don’t close a file properly, it can lead to data loss, resource leakage, or security vulnerabilities. In addition to that, it can also prevent other processes from being able to interact with the file in the future.

To avoid the above problems, you can use the try-finally block as shown below:

file = open("sample2.txt", "w")
    file.write("Earthly is great!")

The above code opens a file called sample2.txt in a similar fashion as the previous example, but here we use the write() method inside a try block and the close() method inside the finally block. The finally block ensures that the file closes properly if an exception occurs or not.

Learn more about exception handling in Python in this tutorial.

File Handling using the with Statement

In the previous example, you learned how to utilise exception handling to ensure a file closes in case of an error. But, you can do the same using the with statement as shown below:

with open("sample3.txt", "w") as file:
    file.write("Earthly is great!")

In addition to helping you clean up resources after usage, the with statement also allows you to include logic for acquiring resources or creating objects that will be used within the with statement block.

For example, you can use a try-finally block to acquire a lock as below:

import threading

lock = threading.Lock()

    # Critical section of code

However, the same can be written using with statement in the following way:

import threading

lock = threading.Lock()

with lock:
    # Critical section of code
    # lock is automatically released when execution leaves this block

As you can see, the with statement allows you to write this code more concisely and clearly. The with statement automatically takes care of calling the acquire() and release() methods of the lock object, so you don’t have to include them in the try-finally block.

How to Create a Class That Supports the with Statement


You can create your own classes that support the with statement. A class or a function that supports the with statement is known as a Context Manager. The open function is an example of a context manager.

A Python class that implements the methods below qualifies as a context manager:

  • __enter__(): This method is called when the with statement is executed, and it returns an object that will be bound to the variable specified in the as clause of the with statement.
  • __exit__(): This method is called when the block of code inside the with statement has finished executing (regardless of whether an exception was raised or not). It is responsible for cleaning up any resources that the context manager might have acquired. The __exit__() method can also handle exceptions that are raised within the with block.

Once you implement the above two methods in your class, you can use the with statement with the class.

When you call the with statement, the context manager class invokes the __enter__() method under the hood, and when you exit the scope of the with statement, the class invokes the __exit__() method.

Observe the code below to get a clearer picture:

class CustomFileWriter:
    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.filename = filename

    def __enter__(self):
        self.file = open(self.filename, 'w')
        return self.file

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):

# using the CustomFileWriter class for writing to a file
with CustomFileWriter('sample4.txt') as file:
    file.write('Earthly is great!')

In the above code example, the CustomFileWriter class is a context manager. It has three methods. The __init__(), __enter__() and the __exit__() method

  1. Python calls the __init__() method (which is the constructor of the class) when you create an object from the class. In this method, you store the filename parameter as an instance variable of the object so that you can access it later.
  2. Python calls the __enter__() method when it executes the with statement. The method is used to set up the context for the block of code that follows. In this case, the method opens the file with the given filename in write mode and returns a reference to the file object.
  3. Python calls the __exit__() method when it finishes executing the block of code under the with statement. This method cleans up any resources (closing the file in this case) that the block accesses.

How to Create a Context Manager as a Function

In the previous section, you created a context manager class. However, you can also create a context manager function (like the open() function) with the contexlib library:

from contextlib import contextmanager

def custom_open(filename):
        file_ptr = open(filename, "w")
        yield file_ptr

with custom_open("sample5.txt") as file:
    file.write("Earthly is great!")

The above code defines a custom_open() function, which is decorated with the @contextmanager decorator. This allows you to define a context manager as a generator function, rather than defining a class with specific methods.

The generator function yields a file object when it is called. When the with statement is executed and the generator function is called, it opens the file with the given filename in write mode and returns a reference to the file object.

When the code in the with statement block has finished executing, Python executes the finally block, which closes the file. This ensures that the file is always closed, even if an error occurs while writing to the file.


The with statement in Python, used with context managers, provides a simpler way than ‘try-finally’ blocks to ensure resources are immediately closed after use. In this tutorial, you’ve learned its function, how to use it in your custom objects and how it manages resources even when exceptions arise. While it’s commonly used in file handling, it has wider applications too.

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Ashutosh Krishna %
Ashutosh Krishna
Ashutosh is an Application Developer at Thoughtworks. He enjoys creating things that live on the internet. He is passionate about full-stack development and DevOps. In his free time, he enjoys sharing his technical knowledge with others through articles and tutorials.



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