Big Builds Series

49 minute read

Learn about the benefits and challenges of using Bazel, Google's open-source monorepo build system, from experts who have experience with it. Discover when t...

16 minute read

Learn how to build a monorepo with Bazel, an open-source build tool developed by Google. Discover the benefits of using a monorepo and how Bazel simplifies t...

10 minute read

Learn how to use Docker images with Bazel to enhance scalability and simplify the development process. This article explores the integration of Docker and Ba...

Using Bazel

6 minute read

Learn how to build a Node.js application with Bazel, an open-source build tool that speeds up builds and tests. This tutorial guides you through setting up t...

11 minute read

Learn how to build Go applications with Bazel and Gazelle, two powerful tools that automate the build process and significantly reduce build times. This tuto...

16 minute read

Learn how to use Bazel with TypeScript to build and test your projects faster and more efficiently. Discover the benefits of Bazel's advanced caching and par...

Large Scale Builds

20 minute read

Learn about the different monorepo build tools available, including Bazel, Pants, Nx, and Earthly. Discover their features, programming language support, lea...