Monorepos Series

9 minute read

Learn about the different monorepo tools available for building JavaScript projects, including Bazel, Gradle, Lage, Lerna, and Rush. Discover their features,...

5 minute read

Learn how to simplify your Go development process with Golang Workspaces. This article explores the concept of workspaces and how they can help you manage de...

22 minute read

Learn how to successfully build a monorepo in Go, where each module independently manages its own build, test, and release cycles. Discover the benefits of u...

20 minute read

Learn about the different monorepo build tools available, including Bazel, Pants, Nx, and Earthly. Discover their features, programming language support, lea...

25 minute read

This article explores the debate between using a monorepo or a polyrepo structure for source code. It discusses the benefits and challenges of each approach,...

16 minute read

Learn how to build a monorepo with Bazel, an open-source build tool developed by Google. Discover the benefits of using a monorepo and how Bazel simplifies t...

43 minute read

Learn how to set up a TypeScript monorepo using npm workspaces. This tutorial covers the benefits of monorepos, how to define local packages, and how to use ...