
My Adventure in Data Engineering

6 minute read

An engineer at Earthly shares his journey and tips for implementing self-sign-up and analyzing user behavior using tools like Funnel Story and Hex to improve...

Rust, Ruby, and the Art of Implicit Returns

37 minute read

This article explores the concept of implicit returns, if-expressions, match-expressions, and single-expression functions in programming languages like Rust,...

The Future is Rusty

13 minute read

The article discusses the challenges of learning complex programming languages like Rust and how the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) can help bridge the ...

What makes Earthly fast

15 minute read

Earthly makes CI/CD builds faster by reusing computation from previous runs for unchanged parts of the build. It is particularly effective in speeding up CI ...

A biased take on the ROI of fast

11 minute read

Fast builds with Earthly can lead to significant cost savings in CI/CD infrastructure and increased developer productivity, resulting in a 13X greater value....

Remote Code Execution as a Service

17 minute read

Learn how Earthly Compute, a remote code execution as a service, was built to handle bursty workloads and provide secure and fast remote execution for Earthl...

Bullshit Software Projects

14 minute read

Discover the frustrations and challenges faced by software developers in the world of "bullshit work." From pointless projects to busy work and executive pet...

Stop saying 10x developer

9 minute read

In this article, the concept of the "10x developer" is dissected and examined. The author explores whether such developers truly exist and discusses the impo...

The Other Kind of Staff Software Engineer

13 minute read

In this article, the author explores the differences between line and staff software engineers. They discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each role, h...

What About A Plain Text Web

18 minute read

Learn how to convert webpages into plain text documents using the Text-Mode feature on Earthly. This article explores the benefits of reading the web in plai...

Stop Using Pie-Charts

25 minute read

Learn why you should stop using pie charts and discover alternative plots that are easier to interpret. This article provides examples and code for creating ...

Printf Debugging and Srinivasa Ramanujan

7 minute read

Learn why many experienced software engineers prefer printf debugging over using debuggers, and how this approach can deepen your understanding of your code ...

Career Advice: Be Confidently Uncertain

8 minute read

Learn how to balance social confidence and epistemic confidence in order to succeed in your career. Find out why being confidently uncertain can be a valuabl...

The Platform Values of Earthly

17 minute read

Learn about the platform values of Earthly, a new approach to build automation. Discover the principles that guide Earthly's design, including versatility, a...

Idiots And Maniacs

6 minute read

In this article, the author explores the concept of "idiots and maniacs" in software development, drawing parallels to driving in the snow. They discuss how ...

SQL Errors and Video Cameras

15 minute read

In this article, the author shares a personal experience of encountering a SQL error and how a non-verbal cue from a teammate helped them solve the problem. ...

The 15-Minute Project

9 minute read

Discover how the principles of city planning can be applied to software projects, creating a more accessible and efficient development environment. Learn how...

Don't Feed the Thought Leaders

11 minute read

In this article, the author shares their experience as an engineering manager and the challenges they faced when trying to reach alignment and prevent object...

Why is JRuby Slow?

24 minute read

In this article, the author explores why JRuby, an alternative Ruby interpreter that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), is slower than other Ruby runtim...

Green Vs. Brown Programming Languages

13 minute read

In this article, the author explores the concept of "brown" and "green" programming languages based on the Stack Overflow Developer Survey results. They disc...

On YAML Discussions

5 minute read

Learn about the pitfalls and discussions surrounding the use of YAML as a programming language, including the challenges of config traps, alternative solutio...

5 Blogs for Scala's Birthday

5 minute read

Looking for some interesting Scala blogs to celebrate Scala's birthday? Check out this list of active Scala blogs that cover a range of topics, from library ...

Unit Testing vs Integration Testing

9 minute read

Learn the differences between unit testing and integration testing and when to use each approach. Discover how unit tests focus on small, isolated pieces of ...

Technology choice? Don't be weird

2 minute read

In this article, Corey Larson, lead architect at Earthly, shares his insights on the importance of making technology choices that align with the beaten path....